Most frequent Finnish words
It is widely known that the most important thing for learning a language is the method you use. A method that will take you the farthest in the minimum amount of time is learning the most frequent words of a language. To help with that for the Finnish language, here it comes: the list with the most frequent Finnish words.
This list was compiled by Finnish translator and teacher Ursula Ojanen. Amongst other things, she translated the Kalevala and many works of the Finnish author Arto Paasilinna into Spanish. She was also the main force behind the teaching of Finnish in Madrid, where she has taught the language since around the year 1980.
Without further delay…
The most frequently used words of the Finnish language
If you detect some mistakes (it could happen as the original was in Spanish), please let me know in the comments and I will quickly correct them.
1. ol/la: to be 2. ja: and 3. se: it 4. ei: no 5. joka: which 6. hän: he, she 7. että: that 8. tämä: this 9. mutta: but 10. saa/da: must, have to11. kun: when 12. niin: so 13. kuin: what 14. tul/la: come 15. minä: I 16. voi/da: can 17. kaikki: all 18. ne: they/them/those 19. me: we 20. myös: too 21. he: they 31. sitten: then 41. vielä: yet 51. päivä: day |
61. kaksi: two 62. alka/a: to start 63. paljon: many 64. lähte/ä: to leave 65. tässä: here 66. lapsi: child 67. pieni: little 68. mieli: the mind 69. käy/dä: to go, to visit 70. tietä/ä: to know71. osa: part, part of 72. jää/dä: to stay, to remain 73. kerto/a: to count 74. eräs: one, a (article) 75. poika: boy, son 76. yksi: one 77. työ: work 78. käyttä/ä: to use 79. kuulu/a: to belong, to include 80. jokin: some, one of the 81. pääs/tä: to reach 91. ensimmäinen: first 101. mukaan: according to, by 111. koska: why |
What is your favorite Finnish word in the list of the most common words? Is there one you know you use a lot but that is not in the list? Share it in the comments.
Topics: Curiosities, Finnish language |
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